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Polycarbonate sheet


Polycarbonate sheet

Polycarbonate is an ideal material for glazing, roofing and windows . It is much stronger than glass, and yet it is highly transparent. In fact, its optical properties are so perfect that it is used for protective eyewear.

It also has the benefit of blocking out UV radiation, which can cause sunburns and cancer. It does this without blocking the light or heat of natural sunlight.

It is a great thermal insulator, too. Using polycarbonate instead of glass can reduce energy loss, reducing heating bills and helping to protect the environment .

All of these properties commend polycarbonate as a glazing material for your conservatory, windows, doors and roofing.

With a completely coordinated system of standard components, it becomes much easier to install a high-quality polycarbonate roof, with less effort and time wasted.

Being able to buy all the items and accessories you need from a single supplier reduces the complexity of the project and makes speeds up completion. All your items arrive at the same time, and you can get started without having to wait for other deliveries.