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Polycarbonate may be the new choice for mobile phone body


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As the smartphone market matures, the diversity of designs is lost. At the moment, glass is not the only viable material choice, and the industry may have to re-use the polycarbonate that Nokia used in the past.

I think that the problem of using glass on the front and back of the phone seems to be nothing, but it is really crucial. The glass is fragile, and the use of glass on the front and back sides obviously increases the fragility of the device. My trusted Pixel 2 XL (Pixel 3's predecessor in aluminum) fell into countless times because of my carelessness, so it has numerous scratches and small cracks. I believe that if it is a device with glass on the back, it will definitely be crushed and crushed so many times. The beautiful and delicate frosted glass on my Xperia Z5 has been broken. Even though it didn't fall, I didn't operate it properly. Glass is always a design compromise for anything that is manipulated and imperfect by humans.
No one in the mobile phone industry seems to ask such a question: How about using polycarbonate? I can't forget the luxury that I used when I first used the Nokia N9. It's a short-lived MeeGo smartphone made from thick, pillow-shaped polycarbonate sheets that are colorful and ergonomic. Nokia later continued to use this design on its Windows Phone Lumia 800 and other devices, and everyone who touched these phones was impressed. The failure of the Windows Phone platform has fascinated the design, and since then, no company seems to be interested in re-using it.

I just think that consumers are interested in this. Let any of your friends choose one of the smooth, fragile and easily fingerprinted glass casings and the matte, colorful and durable polycarbonate casing. I think most of them will choose the latter. Polycarbonate is as transparent as glass to radio waves. Although plastic may seem cheap, if it is well-made, the effect is not necessarily worse than glass, such as the one Nokia used in the past.

I don't mind bidding farewell to metal smartphones. Although the phone case material does not affect the call, the entire mobile phone industry has determined that glass is the only alternative material, but I am very disappointed. Glass is far from a perfect solution, and mobile phone manufacturers should not accept such a solution. I hope to bring back some design diversity in 2019. In the past, it was because of the diversity of designs that the mobile phone made people feel very excited at first glance.